Fio Dourado operates in the olive oil sector, especially in processing and marketing, with the aim of creating value, maximizing the satisfaction of all agents that interact in this sector and ensuring its sustainability, investing in the quality of its products and services.


At Fio Dourado we want to grow in a sustainable way, using technologically efficient, environmentally and socially responsible processes, which allow us to obtain safe products from a food point of view and exceed our customers' expectations.


At Fio Dourado, we are aware of the trust that our customers place in our work, when they bring their olives to us, and when they place the oil we produce on their families' table. It is this trust that motivates us to continue, following the values that, over the years, have made us believe in us!

  • Transparency and confidence
    We strive for transparency in our relationships with customers, suppliers and other entities, and we believe that trust is the basis of these relationships.

  • rigor and requirement
    we are strict in the way we work, how we monitor and control all processes. We demand from our suppliers the same rigor with which we work to satisfy our customers.

  • Responsibility and sustainability
    We are committed to the food safety of our products, to the prevention of pollution and the maintenance of resources and environmental conditions, to the safety and quality of life of our employees and the community in which we operate.

  • Innovation and cooperation
    we are attentive to news in the sector and seek to make available to our customers the best technology available. We have developed studies that allow us to improve the efficiency of processes, establishing partnerships with official entities, producers, customers, professional associations and the scientific community.

Fio Dourado's olive oil mill has been in the family of its members for over a century. In 1991, it began to be explored by João Vítor Reis Gomes Mendes, who inherited the traditional press press, and was remodeling and modernizing it, both in terms of facilities and equipment.

In 2000, the first continuous three-phase extraction line was installed in order to respond to the growing demands of olive growers, as well as to improve the quality of the extracted oils.

Since all the components of the line are built in stainless steel, it is now possible to have a greater control of hygiene, avoiding possible contamination, and achieving a great leap in the quality of the oil obtained, also motivated by the operation at low temperatures. Alongside this new extraction line, an olive cleaning and washing line was also installed.

In 2004, a second continuous, two-phase extraction line was installed. This line was installed to increase the extraction capacity, responding to the growth in the area of installed olive groves and new cultivated varieties (Arbequina), both in the Ribatejo region and in other regions of the country.

The installation of this line was accompanied by the installation of an olive reception yard, including an olive reception, cleaning and washing line and stainless steel hoppers. Later, another two-phase extraction line was installed to increase the working capacity, in line with the growing demand for its services by olive growers.

As of 2001, along with the oil extraction activity, it began to package and sell packaged extra virgin olive oil under the Quinta do Juncal brand. This activity, initially with simple and semi-automatic machinery, is currently carried out using a continuous packaging line, which also allows the provision of packaging services for other brands. Olive oil sold under the Quinta do Juncal brand has been distinguished on several occasions in competitions, being deployed in the market at a regional and national level, especially in restaurants and in gourmet stores, and is also in demand in some international markets, where it is exported.

The concern with the preservation of the environment has been a constant, as the continuous extraction system, in addition to being more efficient, has a lower environmental impact. The waste water produced is collected in a system of licensed evaporation ponds, and is later used to irrigate olive groves, an operation carried out under licensing.

In 2008, the company Fio Dourado – Transformação e Comercialização de Produtos Olivícolas, Lda. was formed, of which João Vítor Reis Gomes Mendes and Maria João Ribeiro Laia Franco Gomes Mendes are partners, which currently operates the mill and all its activities, maintaining the same trend of development and innovation.

To this end, the company has developed and participated in several studies, in collaboration with national and international entities, with a view to improving its technological and environmental performance.

Quality, Environment and Food Safety Policy

Fio Dourado develops its activity in the area of production, packaging and sale of olive oil. The most advanced oil extraction technology is available to olive growers at the Fio Dourado mill. Fio Dourado sells olive oil, mainly extra virgin, in bulk and packaged, also providing a packaging service. The reference brand of Fio Dourado is Quinta do Juncal, selling olive oil and vinegar on the national market and in some international markets. 

Differentiation in terms of the quality of the products and services provided, based on the monitoring of technological evolution, has been one of the pillars of Fio Dourado's strategy, which has allowed it to conquer and maintain an image of trust with its customers. 

Following the line of permanent evolution that has marked its path, Fio Dourado implemented an Integrated Management System for Quality, Environment and Food Safety, in accordance with the Standards NP EN ISO 9001:2015, NP EN ISO 14001:2015, ISO 22000:2018, IFS Food Version 8, and with Regulation (EC) No. 1221/2009 – European Eco-Management and Audit System (EMAS).

Fio Dourado is committed to continuous improvement, prevention of pollution and protection of the environment and the guarantee of obtaining safe products. For this, Fio Dourado is focused on effectively responding to requests from customers and other interested parties, minimizing the environmental impact of its activities, products and services, following the principles of circularity and sustainability in its processes and products, observing compliance the applicable legal and statutory requirements or others to which the organization subscribes, as well as the normative requirements in terms of Quality, Environment and Food Safety. 

Fio Dourado established as a priority the fulfillment of the following objectives: 

  • Satisfying customer needs, exceeding their expectations, investing in loyalty and trust;

  • Make safe, quality products available to consumers, in compliance with legal requirements and specifications, guaranteeing their authenticity;

  • Ensure the identification of hazards related to the health of products, and the implementation of effective control measures;

  • Ensure effective communication with interested parties, including suppliers, customers and official entities regarding issues related to food safety and environmental protection;

  • Instill in suppliers the importance of maintaining high quality standards for products and services;

  • Promote training and awareness actions for all employees, namely in the areas of Quality, Environment and Environmental Safety;

  • Promote training and awareness actions for all employees, namely in the areas of Quality, Environment and Food Safety;

  • Ensure rigor and a high level of control in the execution of activities, products and services;

  • Ensure product traceability;

  • Promote the correct operation of equipment and facilities to minimize the environmental impact of its activities, products and services and ensure Food Safety;

  • Increase eco-efficiency, through the correct management of energy, water and waste, and the control of significant environmental aspects, establishing and reviewing objectives and targets with a view to improving environmental performance;

  • Raise employee awareness to adopt responsible attitudes in terms of Quality, Environment and Food Safety, in the work context and in their daily life;

  • Provide good working conditions, the well-being and motivation of employees;

  • Involve all employees in the Integrated Quality, Environment and Food Safety Management System, creating a culture of excellence in terms of quality, environment and food safety, which ensures the continuous improvement of the organization's performance, in all its strategic vectors (creation value and financial sustainability, food quality and safety, environmental protection and pollution prevention, and organization involvement).

Comeiras de Baixo, June 30, 2023
